Top Quality Human Hair Manufacturer

Choose the Right Solution for Your Hair Loss Needs

Whether you’re a salon or online distributor, you want to offer your customer a wide range of hair piece options. No piece is a one-size-fits-all solution. Toppers work for partial coverage, while wigs provide full head coverage and a better option for those who suffer from alopecia. It’s best to stock a versatile range of hair pieces that offer something for everyone.

At Goodyard Hair, we strive to provide women’s hair toppers that work for a wide range of customers. This guide looks at the most popular requests you’ll get from clients and customers, helping you understand which best-selling hair pieces work best. When you find your niche, you’ll be able to invest in these hairpieces and make them the cornerstone of your collection.

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Toppers that offer partial coverage and blend with existing hair

Some clients need a hair piece that covers a targeted area of hair loss or thinning. A hair topper will work for partial coverage while being subtle enough to blend in with your existing hair. It’s an ideal introductory product for women experiencing hair loss or post-partum hair thinning.

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Wigs that provide full head and complete coverage

As a hairstyle or salon, you’ll have clients who will have experienced extensive hair loss. It may be due to pre-existing conditions like alopecia or health concerns that have resulted in them losing their hair. Wigs are your best solution for these clients as they offer total head coverage and a seamless look.

Lightweight, breathable, and wearable hair toppers

If you live in a warmer client or have clients who are new to hair systems, lightweight toppers are a must. As one of the leading hair topper suppliers, we offer breathable, lightweight toppers that give your clients added wearability. You want to offer your clients a lightweight style that works for everyday wear, creating a stress-free experience that works for any lifestyle.


Affordable hair toppers that offer coverage and short production times

Not every client wants to break the bank with hair toppers. If they’re new to hair systems, most clients are skeptical and want an affordable solution that offers them the coverage they need without costing a top-tier price.

Whether you’re creating a custom hair topper for a client or need to replenish stock, hair toppers are the ideal choice for their quick turnaround time. If you have a short deadline or are running low on stock, we can get our hair toppers into your hands within just a few weeks.

When you’re choosing which hair toppers to offer your clients, these are categories you want to consider. One hair topper can offer something for every customer – whether it’s breathability or affordability – making them an ideal investment for your salon.

You can find out more about our luxury human hair toppers and our range of options here. Do you need help finding the best hair toppers to offer your clients? Our customer service team is available to help at

Popular PU Partings for Hair Loss

Women’s hair toppers are designed to tackle every stage of hair loss and thinning. In the early stages, most women don’t want to fully commit to wearing a wig or a larger hairpiece. PU partings are a popular alternative and focus on a small area of hair loss, addressing the beginning stage of hair loss. This hair topper for women’s hair loss focuses on the thinning and balding that starts to occur at the roots, one of the most noticeable parts of your hair. Read on to find out more about PU partings and what makes this product a popular solution for early hair loss.

At Goodyard Hair, we’re a leading supplier of women’s hair toppers. We offer PU partings with a base of 2″*4.75″ with various colors available. As a hair topper supplier, PU partings are one of our most popular products for hair salons.PU-Parting (5)

The features of PU partings

What makes PU partings unique is that they have a full hand-tied skin base for a comfortable and natural-looking fit. When customers are looking for women’s hair toppers, they want a subtle product that can disguise their hair loss without drawing attention to the problem. PU partings create a realistic hairline, allowing the wearer to style their hair as usual, with the hair topper blending with the natural hair for a seamless look.PU-Parting (1)

PU partings are also durable, allowing for all-day wear for several months on end. They’re a medium-term solution for hair loss and thinning, helping women in the early stages when hair loss impacts their confidence.

Our PU partings are available in various colors, with a focus on natural shades for a seamless finish. Our extensive range of blonde, brunette, and auburn hair colors gives you a full spectrum to choose from.

The benefit of using PU partings as a women’s hair topper is that it’s easy to attach with adhesive or clips. This style of hair topper for women’s hair loss is easy to use, whether it’s installed by a hairstylist or by your customer at home.

Why you should choose Goodyard Hair

As a hair topper supplier, Goodyard Hair has an extensive inventory available for immediate shipment. We recommend offering a selection of standard PU partings in popular hair colors and lengths for your customers.

Whether you’re a hairstylist or a haircare brand, PU partings are a staple product you want to offer your customers. Our PU partings are made using virgin Remy human hair for a high-quality finish and ultimate versatility. As women’s hair toppers, our PU partings are customizable, allowing you to create a unique style for your customers.

Our team will work with you to create PU partings that work for your clients and customers, including options for custom colors. You can get in touch with us directly at to find out more about our women hair toppers.


Para el mismo modelo de sistema capilar, algunos pueden usarlo durante varios meses, mientras que otros solo pueden usarlo unas pocas semanas. ¿Cuáles pueden ser las causas? Hoy hablamos de qué acciones debes evitar para que tu sistema capilar dure el mayor tiempo posible.

Un sistema de cabello está diseñado para durar mucho, mucho, mucho tiempo, y está hecho con materiales de calidad. Por supuesto, los sistemas capilares son algo que puede deteriorarse con el tiempo, y eventualmente tendrás que comprar otro. La duración de sistema capilar depende en gran medida de usted. Ahora, diferentes tipos de bases y sistemas capilares tienen una duración diferente. Encontrará que la base de piel ultradelgada probablemente durará mucho más que un sistema de monofilamento.

Hay muchas cosas que puede hacer para que su sistema capilar dure más tiempo y asegurarse de que está obteniendo el mayor valor de su dinero gastado. Entonces, en este artículo, vamos a hablar sobre algunas de las cosas que realmente acortan la vida útil de sistema capilar.


De lo primero que vamos a hablar es de la fricción. La fricción se produce cuando dos cosas se frotan. Cuando piensas en la fricción y los sistemas capilares, hay uno principal que te viene a la mente, y es en realidad dormir. Cuando esté durmiendo, asegúrese de no irse a dormir con un sistema de cabello mojado. Después de ducharse, el sistema de cabello húmedo puede sufrir fricción terrible mientras duerme. La unidad también puede causar enredos y mucha pérdida de cabello a largo plazo, lo que puede afectar la durabilidad de su sistema capilar.


La fricción también puede ocurrir con los sombreros. Puede ocurrir con gorros de natación y con cascos. Puede ocurrir con muchas cosas diferentes, por lo que debe limitar su exposición a ellas. Ahora bien, si usas un sombrero una vez cada dos semanas porque afuera está lloviendo y tendrás ganas de mojarte. ¿Va a matar tu sistema? No, no lo va a matar. Pero si constantemente expones tu sistema capilar a entornos como ese, por ejemplo, juegas fútbol, tienes la cabeza en un casco y te golpean. Estos pueden acortar la vida útil de su sistema capilar, por lo que es algo que debe tener en cuenta.



El siguiente en la lista son los enredos. Los enredos son lo que sucede cuando el cabello y su sistema capilar se cruzan y forman nudos. Los enredos pueden ocurrir si no está lavando adecuadamente su unidad, si no la está lavando con champú y también si no está cepillando su sistema capilar. Los enredos son un subconjunto de un problema mayor con un sistema capilar que es la caída del cabello. Y si pierde mucho cabello de su sistema capilar, eventualmente puede volverse inutilizable. Puede encontrar imágenes en Internet que muestren que los sistemas del cabello pueden perder mechones de cabello o que realmente pueden volverse manchados. Eso generalmente se debe a un error del usuario por parte de la persona que usa el sistema capilar, exponiéndolo a cosas a las que no debería estar expuesto. Los nudos y los enredos pueden ser una de esas cosas. Especialmente si intentas tirar de los nudos y enredos ejerciendo presión sobre el nudo o la base del sistema capilar, si haces esto, existe una alta probabilidad de que te vayas a arrancar algunos pelos, y es posible que solo estés sacando un par a la vez. Pero todos los días, tener nudos, tener enredos dentro de sus unidades, eventualmente se sumará y se irá. Eventualmente puedes decir, no sé qué le pasó a mi cabello, mi sistema capilar no se ve bien. Así que practica todos los días y asegúrate de cuidar tu sistema capilar.

How To Choose Your Wholesale Tape Hair Extensions

Tape in hair extensions is a product that can revolutionize your salon or store. They’re a popular choice for women looking to add volume and length to their hair in the most natural way possible. We’re looking at the decisions you’ll make when choosing your tape hair extensions through our wholesale program. This article is essential reading before you start deciding which type of extensions and hair choice works for you.


Different types of tape in hair extensions

There are three types of tape in hair extensions for you to choose from, with each style offering something different for your clients. You’ll want to do your research and choose one that works for your client base and provides the price point and features that you want.

The Classic hair extensions are the most popular choice, with an everyday style. If you’re looking for tape hair extensions that give you a natural finish, look no further than the Injected tape in hair extensions. The Hand-Tied tape extensions are 100% hand-tied, creating invisible knots that blend seamlessly with your natural hair.

The tape of the extensions

One thing that is often overlooked is the actual tape of the extensions. We can facilitate specific requests if you have a tape in mind for your extensions. Typically, most of our tape hair extensions use tape imported from Walker Tapes in the USA. We’ve chosen this tape due to its durability and hypoallergenic fabric, which leaves no residue behind.

Hair types to choose from for your extensions

After you’ve chosen your extension type and tape, it’s time to decide which hair you want to use. There are three to choose from Goodyard Hair factory, giving you options that reflect the price point of your brand and the purpose of your extensions.

Pure virgin Remy hair is unprocessed and intact, with all the hair cuticles pointing in the same direction. This high-quality hair has never been bleached or chemically processed, making it the healthiest and natural-looking hair choice.

Virgin Remy hair is similar and has not been dyed or permed, meaning that your client can style these hair extensions however they choose. Regular Remy human hair is still 100% natural human hair but has previously been dyed or permed, meaning it is not as healthy as the virgin and pure alternatives.

Packaging your hair extensions

At Goodyard Hair, we offer a free packaging service for our wholesale customers. Giving your product personalized packaging that ties into your overall branding can help elevate its look and make it more appealing to your customers. Branding has never been more important as the hair extensions industry becomes more competitive than ever.

If you have a personalized branded backing card or box, we’re able to package your hair extensions directly into these so that they’re ready for sale on arrival.

Do you want to find out more about our tape hair extensions wholesale service?  You can contact us directly at

Why You Should Choose Silk Toppers

As a women toppers manufacturer, we put you in control of your hair toppers. It’s easy to get distracted by choosing the color or length of your hairpiece, but the topper is just as important. At Goodyard Hair, we have several hair toppers available with different base designs and colors. The silk toppers are one of the most popular choices for many hair salons and stylists. We’re taking a deep dive into what silk toppers are and why you should choose them for your clients.

Why you should stock women’s hair toppers

If you’re a salon, hairstylist, or online store looking to expand your offering of hairpieces, then hair toppers for women are essential for your product lineup. As a hair topper supplier, we find that most of our customers prefer to choose the silk topper for their hair toppers.  Although hair extensions are best-sellers for many hair salons, hair toppers are becoming increasingly popular to treat hair loss and thinning hair.
Choosing the right hair toppers for women

When choosing which hair toppers to stock in your hair salon or online store, you want to choose one that is practical and doesn’t compromise on quality. Our silk toppers are designed to perfectly fit on the head for a custom fit, giving the illusion that the hair is coming from your own scalp and not a hair system.

When creating a women’s hairpiece, it’s even more important to give the illusion that the hair topper doesn’t exist. When customers are looking for solutions to women’s hair loss and thinning hair, they want a hairpiece that solves their problems without being obvious. The beauty of our silk toppers is that they make it appear as though you’re wearing nothing at all.

The benefits of choosing silk toppers

At Goodyard Hair, our innovative silk base toppers are a firm favorite with our clients. They offer a more durable and long-lasting hair system for your customers, providing a higher-quality product that can be worn every day. One reason silk toppers are so popular is because of their invisible knots, creating a seamless look and helping to blend your natural hair and the hair topper.

With a silk hair topper for women, you don’t have to worry about shedding or any other tell-tale signs that you’re wearing a silk base topper. As a leading hair topper manufacturer, our silk toppers are made using pure virgin human hair for the highest-quality finish. It’s the premium solution for women’s hair loss and thinning hair, creating the most natural-looking finish possible.

silk hair toppers

Pure virgin human hair with our silk toppers improves the longevity of the hair system and gives you ultimate styling versatility. With this type of hair topper, you can treat it like your own hair, styling and parting it in any direction.

You can find out more about our hair toppers for women and our innovative hair extensions on our

Choosing the Best Men’s Hair Systems for Summer

Summer might be our favorite time of the year, it’s also a challenge for men who wear the men hair systems.If you’re a hairstylist or salon owner that specializes in hair systems, it’s very important to find the right men’s hair systems for your clients when the temperature rises in summer.

At Goodyard Hair, we strive to create hair systems that work all year round.  Here are a few reasons why our men’s hair systems are the perfect choice for summer.

1.Undetectable front hairline

The biggest challenge you’ll face while choosing men’s hair systems is finding one that gives your clients a natural look. No one wants to make it obvious that they’re wearing a hair system. Our hair toppers are made using an undetectable front hairline and perfectly bleached knots. They’re easy to wear and create a seamless look between your client’s natural hair and the hair system.lace (1)

2.Breathable lace bases

At Goodyard Hair, we offer different bases for our men’s hair systems to give you a full spectrum of choices. We recommend choosing our lace base for summer. These bases are soft against your scalp and breathable, quickly absorbing sweat to keep your hair system fresh. It offers a transparent and invisible look, ticking every box.
men hair system
3.Beat the rush

Not everyone can order their stock months in advance. With summer in full swing, you might be needing immediate stock to start filling your shelves or online inventory. As the leading hair system factory, we’re able to offer immediate shipment of our products at a competitive wholesale price.

If you’re looking to make the most of the summer months and bring a new product to your customers right away, we have the facilities to make it possible. You don’t have to wait months for the product to enter production, and our team will provide you with an accurate time frame to work with.

4.Per-cut service

Does your salon or store cater to a specific demographic?  Our pre-cut service puts you in control and allows you to submit unique requests to create tailored hair systems for your client.

Our men toupee factor offers both custom and stock toupees – giving you a full range of options to choose from. Whatever your budget or client, our product range will have something to offer for your clients.

5.We’re here to help

Do you need a helping hand? Our talented team is here to help you choose the right hair systems for your clients, recommending different combinations and color options. Whether you’re a hairstylist offering your first product or looking to expand your range, our customer service team is here to recommend styles and answer all your questions.

You can find out more about our hair systems and our different style options here.


Sistemas Capilares personalizados ofrecidos por Goodyard Hair

Goodyard Hair es un fabricante profesional de sistemas capilares con más de 30 años de experiencia en la industria. Nuestros sistemas de cabello están disponibles con varios diseños de base. Estas bases incluyen los cuatro estilos más populares: polipiel, encaje, mono y seda. Goodyard Hair ofrece casi 20 diseños de base diferentes, lo que le permite crear un sistema de cabello personalizado adaptado a sus clientes.

Modelo de base de encaje

El diseño de la base de encaje es una de las opciones más populares. Esta base nos permite crear una línea de cabello invisible mediante el uso de un solo nudo en la parte frontal del sistema capilar. Nuestro equipo de técnicos en Goodyard Hair son expertos en su campo, creando sistemas de cabello al por mayor de mejor calidad. Nuestra misión es crear sistemas capilares que ofrecen una sensación de llevar nada en el cabelludo para todos los usuarios.

En Goodyard Hair, nuestros estilos de base de encaje más vendidos incluyen los sistemas Bella, Octagon y de encaje completo. Estos estilos de base de encaje están disponibles en varias medidas, incluyendo 7”*9” y 8”*10”.

Nuestros estilos de base de encaje están en stock y disponibles para envío inmediato. Estos sistemas capilares ligeros y transpirables se combinan con el cabello natural para lograr una apariencia impecable, lo que los convierte en el estilo ideal para el verano.


Estilo de base de piel

Cuando los clientes buscan una prótesis capilar de aspecto natural y cómodo para hombres, eligen los sistemas de la piel para hombres. Este estilo nos permite personalizar el toupee usando diferentes espesores para una apariencia personalizada. En Goodyard Hair, el grosor funciona en rangos pequeños, como 0.02-0.03 mm, 0.04-0.06 mm, 0.08 mm-0.10 mm.

Uno de nuestros sistemas más populares es el sistema de reemplazo de cabello ultrafino. Tiene el cabello más delgado, con solo 0.02 mm-0.03 mm, y el cabello tiene un bucle en V para crear una base sin nudos.


Tiempo de producción

El equipo de Goodyard Hair está formado por más de 300 trabajadores talentosos en múltiples talleres. Nuestro equipo de técnicos expertos puede entregar pedidos a granel en poco tiempo y con una fecha de entrega asegurada.

Si tiene una fecha de entrega específica en mente, comuníquese con nosotros lo antes posible. Los pedidos de sistemas capilares de base de piel suelen tardar hasta 3 semanas en crearse, mientras que los sistemas de base de encaje tardan 5 semanas. Los de mono tienen un tiempo de respuesta de 8 semanas, mientras que los sistemas de base de seda tardarán 3 meses en producirse.

Estos tiempos de producción son orientativos. Le proporcionaremos una estimación precisa al realizar su pedido.

Servicios de personalización y peinado previo

En Goodyard Hair, siempre hacemos un esfuerzo adicional para ayudar a nuestros clientes a crear los sistemas capilares que necesitan. Nuestro equipo de técnicos trabajará con usted para crear sistemas de cabello únicos y personalizados que ayudarán a que su negocio se destaque. Podemos hacer nuestros prótesis capilares usando un color de cabello, densidad o diseño de base personalizados.

Si tiene un color específico en mente, envíe a nosotros una plantilla o muestra de color de cabello para una combinación exacta.

También ofrecemos pre-peinado, lo que nos permite crear peinados específicos a pedido de nuestros clientes. Las opciones de peinado previo incluyen rizos u ondas, según su estilo preferido.

Oportunidades de colaboración

En Goodyard Hair, tenemos varias oportunidades de colaboración disponibles. Nuestro paquete para Start-Up es ideal para salones y negocios en línea que buscan su primer lote de prótesis capilares. También ofrecemos precios especiales de VIP para clientes a largo plazo. Puede obtener más información sobre estas oportunidades de colaboración poniéndose en contacto directamente con nuestro equipo.

Si está buscando sistemas de cabello para hombres tanto en stock como personalizados para sus clientes, bienvenidos a visitar nuestro sitio web y envíenos su consulta a

The Real and Natural Choice-Pu Skin Weft

Pu skin hair wefts are also popular hair extensions on hair salons. Hair is designed for any customers with thinning hair. The weft hair extension is also convenient to wear and does not damage the hair. Let’s share some outstanding benefits of hair extensions.

Transparent Weft Part

The ultra-thin poly skin material is nearly transparent so it appears naturally on your head. It is considered a natural material, so it looks like your real skin. The hair extension is totally undetectable to the naked eyes.

weft extension

Offer comfort

As I stated, the hair wefts look natural and lightweight. You may feel totally comfortable because the hair is attached with tape adhesives. If you install the hair properly, it will lay flat on your head and appears like your own hair. Also, the bonding is less heavy, so your hair moves more flexibly and easily.


As you can see, the hair extension is knotless. The material is also very thin and much slimmer compared to other weft hair extensions. Whether your hair is thin or fine, this hair weft is your best option.

Cause minimal damage

The hair weft is designed to add more hair volume and length to your tresses, and it minimizes damages to your natural locks. The hair weight will be spread out all over your tresses to give fuller-length hair. Plus, you can comfortably sleep with the PU skin weft hair.
FAQ About Goodyard Pu Skin weft Extensions

Hair Material:

We’re mainly supplying two kinds of hair material to your local market, one is the best quality Virgin Human Hair, which is cut directly from donors, only some thin and young hair selected, have a soft and silky feeling, can last to 12 months with good care, mainly for the high-end market. Another is regular remy human hair, with also has good quality with competitive price, can last to 6 months, it’s a good choice for the middle market.

Colors: We supply various colors including solid colors, highlight, and balayage colors. You can order one set of color rings from us to choose the right color exactly or send us your color swatch or hair sample for us to copy exactly. We also provide basic colors to many salons or hairstylists which they can re-dye into other different colors according to their customers’ request.

skin weft

 Custom Service:

We have a professional sales team with many years of experience. All inquiries will be replied to within 24 years, and the salesmen also have the opportunity to learn some knowledge of the workshop to be more professional for our clients. Welcome to visit our website and send us your inquiry with your detailed request.

 Private Package Design:

Many hair salons and wholesalers we are cooperating with customize their own package with their own logo. Yes, the skin weft hair extensions with exquisite packaging will make this hair look very luxurious. We can do the customized package. Please send us your package design in PDF or just send us your logo and we’ll help you make the design for free.

Custom Hair Systems Offered by Goodyard Hair

Goodyard Hair is a manufacturer of professional hair systems with over 30 years of experience in the industry. Our hair systems are available with various base designs. These bases include the four most popular styles – poly skin, lace, mono, and silk. Goodyard Hair offers almost 20 different base designs, allowing you to create a custom hair system tailored to your clients and customers.

Lace base style

The lace base design is one of the most popular choices. This base allows us to create an invisible hairline by using a single knot in the front of the hair system. Our team of technicians at Goodyard Hair are experts in their field, creating the highest-quality wholesale hair systems. Our mission is to create hair systems that make your customers feel like they’re wearing nothing at all.

At Goodyard Hair, our best-selling lace base styles include the Bella, Octagon, and full lace systems. These lace base styles are available in various lengths, including 7*9” or 8”* 10”.

Our lace base styles are in stock and available for immediate shipping. These breathable and lightweight hair systems blend with natural hair for a seamless look, making them the go-to style for summer.

6-French lace

Skin base style

When customers are searching for a natural-looking and comfortable toupee for men, they choose the skin hair systems for men . This style allows us to customize the hair system using different hair thicknesses for a tailored look. At Goodyard Hair, our hair thickness works in small ranges, such as 0.02-0.03mm, 0.04-0.06mm, 0.08mm-0.10mm.

One of our most popular systems is the ultra-thin hair replacement system. It has the thinnest hair, at only 0.02mm-0.03mm, and the hair is v-looped throughout to create a knotless base.


Production Time

The Goodyard Hair team is made up of over 300 talented workers across multiple workshops. Our team of expert technicians can deliver bulk orders within a short time and with an assured delivery date.

If you have a specific delivery date in mind, please get in touch as early as possible. Orders for skin hair systems typically take up to 3 weeks to create, while lace hair systems take 5 weeks. Mono hair systems have a turnaround time of 8 weeks, while silk hair systems will take 3 months to be produced.

These production times are a guideline. We will provide an accurate estimate when placing your order.

Customization and Pre-styling Services

At Goodyard Hair, we always go the extra mile to help our customers create the hair systems they need. Our team of technicians will work with you to create unique and custom hair systems that will help your business stand out. We can make our hair systems using a custom hair color, density, or base design.

If you have a specific color in mind, send our team a template or hair color sample for an exact match.

We also offer pre-styling, allowing us to create specific hairstyles at the request of our clients. Pre-styling options include curls or waves, as per your preferred style.

Collaboration opportunities

At Goodyard Hair, we have several collaboration opportunities available. Our ‘Start Up’ package is ideal for salons and online businesses looking for their first batch of hair systems. We also offer special VIP pricing for long-term customers. You can find out more about these collaboration opportunities by getting in touch with our team directly.

If you are looking for both stock and custom men hair systems for your clients, welcome to visit our website and send us your inquiry to




Generalmente, a las personas les gusta peinarse y también les encanta tratar de encontrar el estilo que les conviene mejor y coincide con su apariencia. Sin embargo, de alguna manera se vuelve difícil para ellos cuando usan pelucas o sistema capilares. De esta forma, cuando se quitan la prótesis capilar, les resulta doloroso por culpa del pegamento. Entonces, la gente solía eliminarlo con champú para limpiar el cuero cabelludo y el cabello.

Sin embargo, es difícil cuando el pegamento excesivo se pega en la base de la prótesis capilar. Entonces, cuando alguien lo quita fuertemente, afecta directamente su piel y se vuelve doloroso. Por lo tanto, puede hacer que su piel esté flácida.

Hoy, conocerá algunos pasos sencillos a través de los cuales puede quitar el pegamento, sobre todo en la parte de frontal de encaje sin tener ningún problema o dolor. Estos consejos son muy fáciles de seguir para usted y muy apropiados, por lo que no necesita invertir dinero extra en ellos.

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1.Agua tibia

Debe seguir paso a paso este procedimiento. En primer lugar, hay que tomar una pequeña cantidad de soda o sal y mezclarla con agua tibia o aceite de oliva. Una vez que lo hayas mezclado, vierte esta mezcla en una botella vacía. Tome agua tibia junto con una toalla, y debe colocarla sobre el área. Del mismo modo, rasgue la sistema de encaje muy lentamente para que no sienta dolor. Más tarde, rocíe la solución que preparó y colóquela alrededor del borde del cabello. Además, debe usar un gorro de ducha y llevarlo durante cinco a diez minutos. De esta manera, la sistema capialr de encaje se puede quitar fácilmente.

Del mismo modo, debe enjuagar el cabello una y otra vez con el agua simple. Es la forma más común de quitar el frente de encaje, pero de alguna manera es un método que requiere mucho tiempo. Debes recordar que esta técnica / forma es la natural a través de la cual puedes quitar el pegamento frontal de encaje fácilmente.

2.Productos químicos

Hay varios productos químicos que se utilizan para eliminar el pegamento. Sin embargo, la acetona es uno de los mejores productos químicos que se utiliza para eliminar el pegamento. Del mismo modo, también se utiliza para quitaesmaltes de uñas, que contiene la isoacetona. La isoacetona que contiene el disolvente más eficaz que puede eliminar eficazmente el pegamento residual en la piel humana. Del mismo modo, si desea eliminar el pegamento en prótesis capilar de encaje, este producto químico tiene un resultado fantástico. Recuerda que este producto es más dañino para la piel, por lo que no debe usarse durante un período de tiempo prolongado.

Por otro lado, si usa alcohol (alcohol isopropílico), puede quitar fácilmente el pegamento de la piel. Debe rociarlo alrededor de los bordes del cabello y frotarlo para que se pueda quitar fácilmente. Por lo tanto, puede aplicar esta técnica a través de la cual puede quitar el pegamento frontal de encaje fácilmente. Sin embargo, es más apropiado que lo sigas con algún consultor experto al respecto porque debes evitar frotar más tiempo en el cuero cabelludo / bordes del cabello. No debes olvidar que puedes conseguir varios productos químicos disponibles en el mercado, pero debes fijarte en que el producto sea original o no. Por lo tanto, debe tener cuidado con estas cosas antes de aplicar.

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3.Uso de crema o aceite

La crema y el aceite son las mejores opciones para que podamos eliminar el pegamento residual de nuestra piel. Debe aplicar un poco de vaselina en el pegamento de la peluca de encaje y debe mantenerlo durante unos minutos. Del mismo modo, use la toalla húmeda y limpie toda la vaselina. De esta forma, es necesario eliminar el pegamento intentándolo tantas veces como se haya eliminado por completo.

Del mismo modo, también puede usar aceite emoliente para el pegamento. Puede limpiarlo y masajearlo por un tiempo, o necesita limpiarlo por un tiempo hasta que se vierte correctamente en el cuero cabelludo. De esta manera, puede quitar el frente de encaje fácilmente.

Una cosa que debe recordar es que si está buscando un removedor, que puede eliminar más rápido, sería dañino para su cuero cabelludo.

4.Use a condicionador para hidratar el cabello

Una vez que hayas quitado el pegamento del cuero cabelludo, debes hidratar tu cabello con un acondicionador especial. Es un paso fundamental para eliminar el pegamento frontal de encaje debido al alcohol que usaste anteriormente en tu cabello. Debes recordar que el alcohol es de naturaleza seca, por lo que cuando usaste el alcohol en tu cabello, se habrían secado. Por lo tanto, debes frotar el acondicionador, que puede hidratar tus bordes donde se colocó el frontal de lace.

5.Método de aplicar

Puede aplicar el removedor de solvente para prótesis capilares de encaje de cualquiera de las técnicas o métodos mencionados anteriormente. Del mismo modo, también tenemos varios productos de eliminación que se recomiendan como removedor de cítricos C-22 o llamado removedor de encaje.

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Además, es necesario quitar el removedor del sistema de encaje después de que se disuelva durante unos minutos. Después, debe comenzar a quitar el lace aplicando el solvente debajo del la malla. De esta forma, el lace se soltará automáticamente del cuero cabelludo de forma lenta y gradual.

Una vez que haya eliminado por completo el pegamento frontal de encaje, puede lavarse el cuero cabelludo con champú ya que elimina el exceso de pegamento de la peluca.

Estas son las técnicas suaves que puede aplicar para eliminar el pegamento en frontal de encaje. Sin embargo, si va a buscar el removedor que pueda ayudarlo con un efecto más inmediato, entonces afectará directamente su cuero cabelludo. Por lo tanto, puede ser peligroso para usted en el futuro para su cuero cabelludo. Por lo tanto, estos pasos, junto con el método de aplicación, pueden ayudarlo a eliminar el pegamento frontal de encaje sin ningún problema.

Hair Topper For Summer Season

Summer is coming, accompanied by hot and humid weather. People love everything cool in the summer season, including the hair loss or thinning hair ladies’ hair topper. A comfortable and cool hair topper is the best choice, here are some tips for you.


Lace bases are the most breathable base style, due to the thin and light lace layer materials, they will help you stay cool and light in the hot days!

If you’re looking for a smooth skin base top, then the Mono base is another best choice for you, they will provide good coverage while still being lightweight.

Silk bases offer the most realistic-looking base style, due to their unique multiple layer design, hair looks like growing from your own scalp. But it’s less breathable to wear than the Lace or Mono base as well, because of the multiple layers.


Hair topper normally made by Human hair or Synthetic fiber. Human hair topper used real human hair knots in a different base, to match your own hair best, so with higher price, and good hair care is needed. Synthetic fiber is light-weight, so make the topper lighter as well. And compare to the human hair topper, synthetic fiber topper with good prices, allow you to get various hairstyles in the summer days.


Try to get a short hair style during the summer days, exposing your neck and back will be cooler. Like the bob hair style is popular every summer, allows air around your neck. By the way, a shorter hair topper will be cheaper than the long hair ones! Women who like long hair, doing the up-do hairstyles, or braiding hair to side, or doing a ponytail all will help you to stay cool.


The recommended topper is Mono top with Swiss Lace sides and back, which creates the natural illusion, lightweight and breathable hair topper, best for summer holidays! And it’s a perfect choice for customers experiencing the beginning or progressive stage of hair loss.

Base Style: Mono top & Swiss Lace sides and back

Stock Length: 14”

Available Size: 5”*5.7”, 6”*6.3”



Summer Care for Human Hair Extensions

Summer is a good time for customers to go out and show off their lovely hair. But summer sunshine and fun are extremely difficult for hair extensions. Have you ever received any complaints about hair extensions in the summer, such as tangled, faded or frizzy hair? Here we would like to share some useful tips of hair extension care in the summer.


Good Quality Human Hair 

First of all, choosing a high-quality hair extension is more important to your customers to have a beautiful hair extension in the summer. According to our many years of experience, virgin human hair is more popular on the market, especially this pure virgin hair has been favored by many salon owners and hairstylists. Because pure virgin human hair is collected from young donors which are never processed or colored in any way, making it the healthiest hair available for hair additions and can last to 24 months with good care, mainly for the high-end market. It can be re-dyed 4-5 times and be permed 2-3times. They are also the best hair material to create light blond colors and balayage colors.

The other virgin remy hair are also good quality human hair, has a soft and silky feeling, can last to 12 months with good care and affordable price. So we recommend you to choose virgin hair extensions for your clients that are soft, natural, no tangle and last longer. #T6 B6 59P (1)

Avoid sunlight for a long timeUV rays will not only harm your skin; they will also make your hair dry and brittle. When in the sun for more than an hour, wear a sun hat or use sunscreen (yes, this is true!)

Swimming: Chlorine and saltwater are not friendly to your hair. Therefore, please rinse your hair in cold water and apply a deep conditioner before your swim. This will help prevent your hair from absorbing chlorine, which can cause damage.

Brush for Your Extensions

Using the right brush can extend the life of your hair extensions. Do not use tools designed for natural hair. Because the fine-tooth come can pull your extensions. Instead, find a comb designed specifically for hair extensions. Always comb your hair down to maintain the natural direction of your hair.

Avoid Salt Spray Products On Your Hair

Some women like to use salt spray hair care products to make themselves look like beach girl in summer. You should avoid this if you wear human hair extensions. These products usually contain alcohol and salt. They will make the hair dry, tangled and frizzy. Don’t use salt spray, try using a leave-in conditioner to increase the curling effect.

Do Not Use Heat Tools On Hair Extensions

This season is already very hot, and without additional help, your hair may become dry. Overheating can also cause color fading. So it’s best to avoid using heating tools on hair extensions in summer.  If you must use a styling tool, do so minimally and try to keep the temperature as low as you can.

If you have any other good ideas or questions about hair extension care in the summer, welcome to leave your comments there. Any inquiry to luxury hair extensions, please visit our website



Thousands upon thousands of companies are selling hair extensions. You have a lot of choices. You can buy human hair extensions from any site. So why buy from Goodyard Hair?

Since day one, Goodyard has always been striving to be the earnest and most responsible partner. Starting from a home-based hair factory with only 5 employees, we have now become a global hair supplier to over 25 countries hiring over 300 people to work in our factory. They are experts in their craft and hand-tie each of our hair extensions to give them a premium finish. Our team of sales consultants are the driving force behind Goodyard Hair, and they’re on hand to assist you with any of your inquiries

Our team of experts hand-select both human and synthetic hair to use in our extensions. We offer every natural color, texture, and length that you could want. Some suppliers mix two braids which are from different donors together. We need to separate them as to make sure each braid solely belongs to one donor is the main principle in hair processing. Different quality Remy hair need different processing methods. Therefore, we will sort the hair according to different lengths and colors. This process is very helpful for the following coloring process and can make sure the hair color is more accurate.

At Goodyard Hair, we’re committed to using the healthiest virgin hair, using our innovative manufacturing process to help the hair maintain its natural look. Our hair is double drawn for a fuller look, with each set of extensions handcrafted by our team of experts. We can also provide single-drawn hair extensions as an affordable option for salons on a budget.


The blended ratio of different dyestuff has to be flexible adjust as per the raw hair materials quality and natural color. This coloess can be perfectly handled only by skilled technicians who possess plenty of coloring experience.

We provide a full spectrum of basic hair colors that have not been chemically treated and have their natural protective layer. If you’re looking for colors such as ombre and highlights, we can help you place a custom order.

Year after year, we visit our business partners all around the world,  Goodyard Hair is always on the way to our clients. Canada, USA, Australia, UK, Italy, Japan……Face to face, we discuss hair and fashion, we share experience and innovative thoughts, we learn and pursue more from each other. We find this is extremely fruitful and helpful with our business growth.

Welcome to visit our website to learn more about VISIT EXCHANGES ACTIVITIES don’t just make and sell hair, we also supply and spread joy and happiness. It has become the core values deeply rooted in Goodyard.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.


¿Cómo evitar la caída grave de cabellos de prótesis capilar?

¿Alguna vez ha recibido una queja de caída grave de cabello de sistema capilar? Entonces, lo que su cliente debe hacer y lo que no puede hacer para evitar este problema. Siga leyendo para averiguarlo.

La caída de cabello es normal a medida que su sistema capilar envejece. Un nuevo sistema de cabello para hombres se puede caer pelos en los primeros días simplemente porque hay cabellos sueltos que no se peinaron antes de enviárselos. No necesita preocuparse por eso. Si observa que se cae mucho cada vez que se peina y se lava el cabello, entonces debe verificar su rutina de cuidado diario para ver si ha hecho estas cosas que pueden causar pérdida.


¿Por qué ocurre la caída de cabello?

Acondicionador inadecuado

Evite el uso de productos para el cuidado del cabello con alto contenido de alcohol, de lo contrario, provocará la rotura y caída del cabello. Busque productos diseñados específicamente para peluquines masculinos o productos con bajo contenido de alcohol.

La base del sistema capilar no está completamente seco

Muchas personas pueden pasar por alto una cosa cuando secan su prótesis capilar. A la mayoría de los clientes solo les importa si el cabello ya está seco. De hecho, es muy importante asegurarse de que la base del sistema capilar esté completamente seca. Si la base de tu sistema capilar ha estado mojada durante mucho tiempo, no solo los nudos se aflojarán, sino que también dañarán la base haciendo que su duración sea más corta, ya sean bases de encaje, mono o seda.

Peinado excesivo

El peinado excesivo hará que el cabello se caiga y también puede provocar un adelgazamiento prematuro del sistema de reemplazo de cabello. Recuerde decirles a sus clientes que usen un peine de dientes anchos para peinar suavemente sus sistemas de cabello no quirúrgicos desde las puntas.

hair system


Remojar la base del sistema capilar con líquido durante mucho tiempo.

El líquido puede ser agua, acondicionador. No se recomienda remojar el sistema de reemplazo de cabello durante una hora o más. Aflojará el nudo, después de lo cual verá la caída del cabello.

Blanqueo excesivo de los nudos

Para algunas unidades de encaje, puede notar que el cabello en las raíces se ve más claro que el cabello en otras partes, lo que significa que los nudos están demasiado decolorados. El cabello demasiado decolorado es muy frágil y se rompe fácilmente.

Por lo tanto, es muy importante encontrar un fabricante profesional que respalde su tecnología de calidad.

Goodyard Hair suministra sistemas capilares para hombres a muchos salones de belleza, estilistas y distribuidores en línea con más de 30 años de experiencia. Nuestra misión es ayudar a los hombres que experimentan pérdida de cabello a recuperar no solo su cabello sino también su confianza.

Todos los técnicos de Goodyard poseen años de experiencia para garantizar la mejor calidad de nuestros sistemas capilares, la base más cómoda y el aspecto natural extremadamente perfecto. Todos los sistemas capilares están hechos de cabello humano 100% remy de calidad, suave y natural. Se pueden proporcionar varios estilos de base a un precio mayorista asequible, como encaje completo, piel de poliéster, base mono, base de seda y una combinación. Bienvenido a ver nuestro vídeo de producción para obtener más información sobre nosotros.

Si tiene otras buenas ideas sobre cómo evitar la caída grave del sistema capilar. Bienvenido a dejar sus comentarios allí y visitar nuestro sitio web para obtener más información.

How to Choose the Right Hair Systems for Your Clients?

If you are just starting out in the men’s hair system business, it seems difficult for you to choose between different hair systems. Don’t worry, we will introduce 3 different types of popular hair systems to discuss which hair system is suitable for your customers-lace, poly skin or a combination of both.


A fine lace hair system is soft and breathable. So they are recommended for those who lead an active lifestyle, live in a warm climate, and want to be comfortable without affecting their overall hairstyle.The lace system looks very realistic and is very light, which makes them suitable for everyday comfort. They also can last 60-90 days with proper care. Goodyard Hair supply a wide variety of full swiss lace hair systems in different size and colors. This is one of the best-selling styles in many salons or hair stylists. One of our salon partners from Turkey just ordered 30 pieces at a time, and more than 20 pieces are all lace styles. We also have many workshops to update inventory regularly. So if you are looking for the full lace hair systems, welcome to send us your inquiry to

6-French lace


The skin hair replacement system is for those who want the least noticeable hair system, which is easy to clean. Especially our ultra-thin -NG style, the thickness of poly skin is only 0.03mm. This unique men hair system option allows the wearer to experience the feeling of their natural scalp as if they are not wearing a hair system at all. This is due to the super-thin poly skin base and material that is used. This is why the skin men toupee provides a completely natural appearance, as it looks like the hair is growing directly from the scalp. No air, water or sweat can pass through the base.


Combination of Lace and Skin

The combination of both Lace and Skin hair replacement systems are for those who want a unique feel and look to their hair. They are perfect for customers who want a men’s hair system that is both natural and durable. They usually can last 3-6 months with proper care. Goodyard Hair also has many different styles with lace and poly skin, such as our Bella, Q6, Octagon, and Australia, etc. The lace base in middle is breathable and poly skin in the back or sides is easy to stick with tape or glue.

It’s our mission to help men who are experiencing hair loss to regain not only their hair but their confidence. We are cooperating with many hair salons, hair stylists and online distributors. If you have any demand for wholesale men hair systems, welcome to visit our website or send us your inquiry to

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