Top Quality Human Hair Manufacturer

Men Hair Systems: Get Insight of Goodyard Unique Factory

Men hair systems are the best non-surgical solution for male hair loss. Our mission is to help men who are losing their hair regain not only their hair but also their confidence.

According to the business expansion,we are keeping exploring more skilled handmade resources in various areas, and creating training workshops to expand our production capacity for men toupee and women toppers. Here we would like to share our unique factory in Guizhou and the created amazing work.

toupee 21.3.9

After a long period of research and investigation, GOODYARDHAIR found that the Miao people are super good at various handicrafts, including the famous Chinese embroidery crafts. We were so impressed by their craftsmanship and careful work style, so we have expanded two factories here.

Miao People:

Miao has a long history, it is a group of peoples living primarily in the mountains. Not only in China, they are also living all over the world, mainly in the United States, France and Australia and Southeast Asia.The long-term living in the mountains has made Miao people particularly simple and kind, special love to nature. The Miao embroidery representing the highest embroidered techniques of the Chinese minorities. It is not only a form of display the beauty, but also a carrier of the history and culture of Miao.

Because the Miao People are good at hand-made technical work and easier to learn. Therefore, after our professional training and strict assessment, evaluation, qualified workers have become familiar with our handcraft and let us know more about them.

 What they create?

One of the products they make are men’s hair system, which is based on both lace and poly skin hair systems, especially because of COVID-19, there are very few lace hair systems on the market right now. Let’s introduce three popular styles they make.

Swiss Lace

The base is made entirely of transparent Swiss lace and comes with hand-sewn lines to ensure better shape and durability. Laces are lightweight, breathable and suitable for customers who live an active lifestyle or live in warm climates. Each hair is hand-tied to the lace to create a natural movement of the hair. All the knots in the front hairline have been bleached perfectly, providing an invisible knot effect for the entire piece.

5-Swiss Lace

This base has french lace with pu sides and back.It’s also one of the most popular style, mainly available in #1B colors.Fine bleached knots on the front 1″ hairline make the hair system look natural and undetectable.


The thickness of the base only measures 0.02-0.03 mm. The hair is v-looped throughout and the knots are completely invisible.So your customers wouldn’t notice it while wearing it. Available in many colors for immediate delivery.



By the way,we also can make women hair toppers in different colors and sizes. We also accept custom orders to support your business.

Salon Cooperation

If you’re a salon or hairstylist that offers hair systems attachment services, feel free to enquire about a partnership with us to receive exclusive benefits. We can accept custom orders in various colors and basic sizes. You will also receive our affordable wholesale prices and free packaging design services.

If you’re considering starting hair replacement system services for your clients, we offer business start-up packages that can help you start your business within budget and quickly.

If you have the demand for men hair systems , welcome to send us your inquiry to or visit our website to get more about us.



How To Get A Natural Hairline?

Everyone wants a natural hairline, especially when you need to wear a wig or topper because of hair loss. Because the hairline is shown on the top of your face, which people will easily notice, and a natural hairline will retouch the face as well!

The 2 types of wig/toppers hairline

The wig/topper’s hairline normally made from lace materials, as it’s soft and natural, able to be cut as well. But some be made as extended lace front, others are made as folded back lace front. What’s the difference between the extended front and folded back front style?

The extended front hairline

The extended front hairline is a layer of transparent lace without hair, roughly 2-3 inches, and the extra lace need to be cut to match the customer’s hairline, usually need to use glue or tape to fix on the forehead, stable and perfect fitting on head.


The folded back front hairline

Folded back lace front also called for F-net, the extra lace folding back and sewn up together with the wig/topper’s base, no cut required, factory pre-cut craft, don’t worry about cutting it out by yourself. Free glue and tape, prevent the glue or tape allergy, wear freely.  hair-toppers-manufacturer

Tips to get a natural hairline

If you still have your own baby hair at the front, the folded back lace front will be a good choice. Using your own baby hair will be a good way to decorate, the folded back lace front upon your baby hair, mix the wig/topper’s hair together with your baby hair, to make them perfectly blended.

If your customer without the front baby hair anymore, don’t worry, the lace front will be helpful. Usually, the hairline is four fingers wide from the eyebrows, the soft and transparent lace front blend with your skin, use the same makeup as the skin tone to get a realistic hairline.

Hope the above tips will help you and your customer to get a natural hairline. Goodyard Hair is a China hair manufacturer since 1984, as a hair extensions manufacturer, female’s hair toppers manufacturer and male’s hair systems replacement manufacturer. If you’re looking for an honest and reliable hair supplier, we’re more than happy to be your business partner, contact us today!

5 Recommended Hair Extension Colors

Offering a range of hair extensions is the perfect way to expand your hair salon or an online store – it might even be the product you choose to launch your brand with. In the beginning, you want to focus on stocking the key colors that most of your potential customers will be on the lookout for. While pastel shades and balayage colors are becoming increasingly popular due to social media trends, the classics never go out of style. At Goodyard, we’re the premium hair extension manufacturer and work with brands across the world to help them launch their hair extension lines.

We’re sharing five of the most popular colors for hair extensions to help you decide which ones to stock in your store or salon.

  1. Chocolate Brown

Chocolate brown will always be on our must-try list. This glossy color complements anyone with an olive or darker complexion, making it a best-seller for both hairstylists and brands. This rich shade creates a mysterious look and is ideal for styling in curls or a celebrity-inspired high ponytail. Chocolate brown is also considered one of the most flattering hair colors.



  1. Black Shades

Thanks to Meghan Markle, black hair has never been more in style. The actress turned royal is famous for her luscious long locks, which she often wears in a straightened hairdo. The darkest shades of black are universally flattering, especially when they avoid a blue undertone. We recommend stocking these hair extensions in a longer length for ultimate versatility for your clients and customers.


  1. Beachy Blonde

This color can refer to the lightest blonde hair ,such as #60 or #613. It’s also good choice for hairstylists to redye to any other beautiful colors. It’s also one of the most hair extension colors which many of our customers will order these colors for their clients.

  1. Blonde Balayage 

Balayage is the hair trend of 2021, making blonde balayage one hair extension option that you’ll want to stock in your store or salon. Blonde balayage is an ideal choice for clients looking to use extensions to camouflage hair loss or thinning. We recommend stocking this shade in virgin remy hair to allow clients to style and curl their extensions to naturally accentuate their appearance.

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  1. Auburn Brown

Clients will often come to you with two or three shades in mind. Auburn brown blends together red and brunette hues to create a warm look. This shade is a lighter alternative to the chocolate brown, with reddish undertones that soften the overall look of the extensions.


At Goodyard, we provide an extensive color selection for you to choose from. We can also work from a swatch to create a custom color for your hair extensions. Want to find out more? You can get in touch at to find out more.


¿Estás usando una prótesis capilar de base de encaje debido a la caída del cabello?¿Le preocupa que la calvicie afecte su apariencia perfecta? La mayoría de las bases de prótesis capilares ahora se dividen en encaje suizo y encaje francés. Si no estás familiarizado con las bases de encaje, es difícil diferenciarlos.

Aunque ambos son de encaje, son bastante diferentes.

Encaje francés

En cuanto a la apariencia, estos dos tipos de encaje son muy similares. Tienen el mismo color, la misma densidad de malla y son muy transpirables. Sin embargo, cuando toques con las manos, sentirás la diferencia entre los dos. La fibra de encaje suizo es más delicada y suave, y el tacto es extremadamente delicado. Este tipo de base es más cómodo de llevar y puede evitar la irritación del cuero cabelludo. El encaje francés se siente áspero, lo que no es una buena opción para personas con cuero cabelludo muy sensible.

6-French Lace

Encaje suizo

Aunque el encaje suizo es suave, su durabilidad es relativamente pobre. Porque es tan frágil que puede dañarse sin ningún esfuerzo. Por lo tanto, se debe tener mucho cuidado al aplicarlo y quitárselo.

El encaje francés es relativamente duradero y puede resistir la amenaza del calor y el estiramiento. Generalmente, se puede usar de 3 a 4 meses, mientras que el encaje suizo solo se puede usar durante 1 a 2 meses. Por supuesto, si lo mantiene bien, puede extender su vida útil.

5-Swiss Lace


Flexibilidad de encaje suizo

La elasticidad puede evitar que la prótesis capilar se estire, se deforme y se dañe durante el uso y el despegue. La base de encaje del toupee no solo es duradera sino también más elástica. Su característica principal es que puede recuperar su forma y tamaño originales después de estirar. El encaje suizo es exquisito y apenas resistente al estiramiento. Puede romperse bajo una gran presión o deformarse irreparablemente.

¿Qué tipo de base de encaje me conviene?

Si es la primera vez que usa una sistema capialr de base de encaje, será mejor que elija encaje francés. Porque es más duradero y tiene una vida útil más larga. No recomendamos a nuestros clientes el encaje suizo por primera vez. Porque no tienes experiencia de aplicar y quitarte la prótesis como nuevo principiante, y es fácil dañar el toupee de encaje. Si tiene alguna experiencia en el uso de prótesis capilar, puede elegir uno de encaje suizo.

Por otro lado, debe considerar seriamente el período de uso. Si solo tiene la intención de usarlo por poco tiempo, es mejor elegir encaje suizo. Incluso si el encaje suizo tiene una vida útil más corta, es más cómodo de usar. Si desea usarlo durante mucho tiempo, será mejor que elija encaje francés, ya que tiene una vida útil más larga y puede resistir la amenaza de la fuerza externa diaria.

Además, si tu cuero cabelludo es sensible, la mejor opción es el encaje suizo.

En una palabra, el encaje suizo es un tipo de prótesis capilar muy delicada, que no irrita el cuero cabelludo, aunque es más vulnerable a los daños y tiene poca durabilidad y elasticidad en comparación con el encaje francés. Pero es cómodo de llevar, ligero y transpirable.

La base de encaje suizo se utiliza mucho y puede ser compatible con la calvicie total y la calvicie localizada. Su color combina a la perfección con el color del cuero cabelludo y del rostro, que es muy natural.

Ya sea encaje suizo o encaje francés, le sugerimos que no compre solo uno. No use una pieza durante mucho tiempo. El cambio de prótesis capilar también forma parte del mantenimiento del toupee, lo cual es bueno tanto para la vida útil como para la salud.



Where to Get Best Quality Human Hair Toppers?

Hair Toppers are helpful solutions for beginning to mid-progressive stages of hair loss or for those ladies who just want to add fullness to the crown/top area of their head. GOODYARD are supplying plenty of hairpieces options to match your hair style and hair loss needs. Add instant body to your hair with this lightweight, easy to wear hairpiece with long and curved layers, integrate with your own hair for a seamless look, designed to conceal various types of partial hair loss. Our hair toppers come in a large selection of colors to seamlessly blend with your own hair.


Goodyard Hair has always been committed to providing customers with high quality hair products and deliver exceptional service. Due to COVID-19, the border between China and North Korea is still closed, so the domestic supply chain has been greatly affected and the professional hand-tied workers are limited. In order to meet customers’ order requirements more quickly and improve production efficiency, we considered expanding the scope of our hand-tied workshops, although we already have our own workshops in Qingdao and Qufu to produce men’s hair systems, women toppers and human hair wigs.

Why Choose Miao as Another Handmade Workshop?

The costume of Miao contains ancient, rich and brilliant culture information which is called the ancient civilization encyclopedia of Miao. The Miao embroidery representing the highest embroidered techniques of the Chinese minorities. It is not only a form of display the beauty, but also a carrier of history and culture of Miao.

Miao has a long history; it is a group of peoples living primarily in the mountains. Not only in China, they are also living all over the world, mainly in the United States, France and Australia and Southeast Asia.

The long-term living in the mountains has made Miao people particularly simple and kind, special love to the nature.

After a long period of researching and investigation, GOODYARDHAIR found that the Miao people are super good at various handcrafts, including the famous Chinese embroidery crafts. We were deeply attracted by their exquisite craftsmanship and careful work style, so we decided to expand 2 new factories here.

Goodyard Hair Factory in Miao

According to the business expansion, combined with the ethnic culture of the local people, we are keeping exploring more skilled handmade resources in various areas, and creating training workshops to expand our production capacity.

Apply their unique handcrafts to our high-end hair products to create more exquisite wigs, hair toppers and hair systems for our valued customers.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.

We are always online for your inquiry!

WhatsApp: +8618661605303


Ins: goodyard_offical_river



4 Tips to Give to Your Clients to Care for Their Hair Extensions

If you’re a hairstylist or a salon owner, selling hair extensions can help you expand your services and grow your business. The popularity of hair extensions is on the rise, with salons reporting a 70% growth in the last five years. Clients are choosing hair extensions as a way of protecting their natural hair while still experimenting with their look, whether it’s trying a new cut or color. If you’re offering hair extensions for sale, you want to make sure you’re giving your clients the right advice on how to care for them. When you appear knowledgeable about hair extensions, your clients are more likely to purchase from you.


  1. Use Paraben-Free Hair Products

When you’re cleaning hair extensions, you want to avoid using products with parabens in their ingredients list. Using products with alcohol, parabens, and sulfate can strip the natural oil out of the hair extensions, leaving them more prone to breakage and matting. If you’re a salon or a hairstylist, it’s a great idea to sell natural haircare products alongside your extensions to recommend them to your clients.

  1. Don’t Sleep in Clip-In Hair Extensions!

You want to incorporate care information into your product descriptions and packaging, especially if you’re adding a leaflet with tips and tricks for your clients. This information should include how customers shouldn’t go to sleep with their clip-in hair extensions in place. If your clients wash their clip-in extensions every three or four wears and avoid sleeping in them, they could enjoy their hair extensions for over a year.

When it comes to other styles of hair extensions, you want to advise your clients to wear their hair in a braid or ponytail overnight. The most important tip that you should share with your customers is that they should never go to bed with wet hair extensions. Other products you could stock in an e-commerce store or salon include silk pillowcases or scrunchies to protect the hair extensions._0035__0013_IMG_8885

  1. Avoid Heat Products

One reason your clients might be interested in pure virgin human hair extensions is that they want flexibility when it comes to styling. While they can style their extensions like their natural hair, you want to advise your clients to avoid using excessive heat. Just like your normal hair, extensions can also become damaged by heat, leading to split ends.

  1. Brush the Extensions

The most common mistake your customers are likely to make is that they don’t brush their hair extensions enough. Tangling and matting can lead to breakage, damaging the hair extensions and reducing their life span. You want to recommend a way for customers to detangle their extensions without damaging the bonds. It’s best practice to brush the hair in the same direction as the hair cuticles, going from the scalp downwards to reduce tension.

how to brush the hair extensions

When you can provide your clients with proper care instructions for the hair extensions, you’re boosting your credibility, and customers will be more likely to purchase from you. At Goodyard Hair, we’re the leading choice for hair extension manufacturing. We provide a free packaging design service, which you can use to incorporate this advice directly onto the packaging of your hair extensions.



Si bien que cada vez más personas entienden que la prótesis es increíblemente cómodos, todavía exite un problema que nos estorba antes del compro, es que necesitamos probar varias opciones diferentes antes de decidirnos por una. La industria de prótesis capilares es enorme, y hay muchas opciones diferentes y variables. Es absolutamente imposible probar todas las opciones, por lo que la mejor manera es aprender conocimientos de esto, y luego decidir cuál preferimos probar basándose en saber cuál será probablemente la opción más viable para ti mismo.图片3

La mayoría de la gente parece pensar que los aspectos visuales son los que importan, lo que es completamente incorrecto. Las características visuales son bastante fáciles de decidir, ya que cada persona tiene claramente requisitos especiales, Incluso para las personas que prueban nuevos peinados, todavía tendrían algunas imágenes de referencia. A diferencia de los aspectos visuales, los aspectos estructurales o técnicos no son algo que la mayoría de la gente conozca o con lo que tenga experiencia.

Son las características técnicas las que distinguen a las prótesis capilares y te permiten decidir cuál es la mejor, la más asequible y la más cómoda para ti.

Los aspectos más importantes a la hora de elegir un sistema se encuentran a continuación:

Tipo de base

Hay muchos modelos diferentes de bases disponibles para sistemas capilares. Se pueden dividir en tres tipos principalmente: base de Mono, base de encaje y base de piel. Los tres tienen sus propios beneficios y cualidades que los distinguen. Puedes elegir la prótesis capilar perfecto por ti mismo conociendo las caracter y cualidades de estos tipos de base y con lo que te sentirías más cómodo.


Método de fijación

El método de fijación que elija afectará enormemente su comodidad y longevidad. Dependiendo de cuáles sean sus requisitos, los métodos de fijación son permanentes, semipermanentes y temporales. Cuanto más firmemente esté colocada la prótesis capilar, más seguro y cómodo te sentirás. Pero la elección también depende de cuánto tiempo planeas usar tu sistema capilar.

Densidad de cabello

La densidad de la prótesis es un punto que los novatos a menudo pasan por alto, pero te darás cuenta de su importancia al usar el sistema capilar. Por un lado, la densidad está relacionada con la naturalidad. En diferentes partes del mundo la gente tienen diferentes características de densidad. Además, la densidad de cabello de cada individuo son diferentes antes de la alopecia o caída de cabello. Elegir una prótesis capilar con densidad adecuada te ayudará a parecer más natural.

Por otro lado, el clima en cada país es diferente, y el trabajo y las actividades de cada uno también son diferentes, por lo que algunas personas necesitan toupees con muy buena permeabilidad al aire, como las personas que hacen deporte con regularidad y las que viven en climas cálidos y húmedos.

Color de cabello

El último pero muy importante punto es el color del cabello. Elija el color que es el mismo que tu propio cabello, que es lo más te conviene, asegura de que nadie pueda ver que estás usando una prótesis capilar.



How To Confirm The Base Size Of A Hair Topper?

Hair loss in women can be absolutely devastating for the sufferer’s self-image and emotional well-being. It starts with a diffused pattern at the front hairline or the middle hair partings, then the top or crown scalp will become noticeable gradually to a very large size.

Why choose Hair Topper?

Because hair loss absolutely not a wanted stage for most people, compared to the expensive price and no guaranteed result of surgeries, hair topper is a less expensive alternative hair that can give you volume hair back immediately! So hair topper is a good choice for female hair loss.

Hair topper normally made from 100% human hair, and 100% hand-crafted product, like a hat to cover your hair loss top area or cover the grown difference hair color. No pain and easy to apply or remove, including clips at the bottom of hair topper.

How To Measure The Base Size Of A Hair Topper?

Measure the Size of Hair Loss

Women are less likely to go completely bald, but you may have a lot of thinning throughout your hair. Doctors divide female pattern baldness into three types:

Type I Beginning Stage: It’s a small amount of thinning that starts around your part.

Type II Progressive Stage: Which involves widening of the part, and increased thinning around it.

Type III Advanced Stage: It’s thinning throughout, with a see-through area at the top of your scalp.

According to above 3 types of hair loss stage, the suitable topper size can probably be confirmed. Not matter in which stage, measure the size of hair loss is important, to make sure the topper size is suitable to cover the hair loss area.

To confirm the hair topper size, normally need the width size and length size of the hair loss part.

  • Measure the size from left to right, cross the bald/thin area, the width size.
  • Measure the size front to back, front begin from the hairline, need to cross the bald/thin area as well.
  • Don’t forget to add 1”to each measurement. For example, if your measurement is W5”XL6”, it’s better to take a topper size at least in size W6”XL7”.

Hope the above tips will help you choose a suitable size topper! Goodyard Hair would always love to help and get you covered with the best hair toppers for hair loss. Exquisite workmanship to create the most natural-looking appearance. Thanks to our skilled coloring technicians, we guarantee the most fashion colors to be natural. Only the finest virgin remy hair can be selected to offer long lifespan.图层 1_1

To learn more about our human hair topper, or any other questions about hair products, please contact us today! We’d love to help boost your business in the new year 2021.

The Guide on Goodyard V-loop Skin Hair Systems

One question that often pops up during the inquiry is, “do you use v-loop all over the base?”. Most customers assume that a v-loop is the best technique for a skin hair toupee. In reality, it’s more complicated than that. We’re telling you everything you need to know about the v-loop technique and why it’s not the best method for skin hair systems.ultra thin hair systems

The V-loop technique is used exclusively on ultra-thin or super-thin skin bases. It works by looping the hair onto the skin base, like a ‘shape, giving the method its name. It is a ventilation method that produces no knots, giving the appearance of the hair growing from the scalp. The direction of the hair allows you to comb it in any way, including backwards. It creates a more realistic hairline due to the gradual density at the front.

At Goodyard Hair, we use the v-loop technique on the front hairline section.

V-Loop Hair System

The base design of the v-loop technique is an ultra-thin skin base, which is extremely lightweight and clear. The thickness can be as thin as 0.03mm, creating a base that you’ll barely feel.

The hair isn’t knotted into the base, as it usually is for most hair replacements, and instead is v-looped into the base. The hair is weaved through one hole and out the other, creating the ‘V’ shape from the side view. This technique means that you won’t see any knots on the base. The process we use ensures the hair is fixed to the base to avoid any shedding. As there is no knotting involved, it doesn’t instantly appear to be a hair system to those who aren’t familiar with v-loops.

Mirage Hair System

The main drawback is that the NG poly skin hair system has a lifespan of 2-3 months with proper maintenance. The thinness of the base means it’s particularly delicate. V-looped hair is more likely to shed than other ventilation methods as the hair is looped into the base with another layer of polyurethane securing the hair root. This manufacturing process means the hair is more likely to become loose and fall out.

By comparison, our Mirage hair system uses v-looping for the front 1/8 of the base, while the hair is knotted along the rest of the base. We use the v-loop on the front hairline to create the most natural look. The knotted hair in the back is stronger and won’t shed as quickly.

V-looped hair is suitable for the front hairline instead of being used over the whole base. If you want the most seamless look, you could decide to go with an all v-looped base, knowing that you’ll get a limited lifespan.

At Goodyard Hair, we offer both the V-Loop and knotted hair systems. We have other styles in stock, including full lace and a combination of lace and pu, and mono hair systems. As a wholesaler, we also accept custom orders if you have a specific design in mind for your salon or store. You’re welcome to send us an inquiry if you’re interested in purchasing any of these hair systems. You can send any questions to


If you are a hairdresser, or a salon owner, or a wig shop owner, this is a great OPPORTUNITY for you!

Goodyard Hair has recently joined a Salon Collaboration Project started by our business partner UniWigs to serve more people worldwide locally and timely.

UniWigs is a famous US-based online wig brand, specializing in alternative hair products like wigs, hair toppers, hair extensions for people who are suffering from hair loss and people who want to look incredible daily for special occasions.

Every day, UniWigs gets hundreds of customers who desperately want to try their products nearby and get professional styling services. So they are seeking collaboration with hair salons and stylists all over the world to help their customers get better services.

Based on the long-term supplying relationship with UniWigs, we are invited to join and have great interest in their plan. And we think it’s also a good opportunity to expend reputation for all Goodyard Hair collaborated clients, so we strongly invite you to look into and join this program.
hair salon program

Joining this project, you may get a lot of benefits as following:

  • Your salon/store information will be featured on UniWigs website and social media channels. Millions of our consumers will have the chance to know you.
  • We will guide our consumers nearby who need professional services to your salon directly.
  • If you want to have a try of the products, we would like to provide 3 kinds of sample package options and offer competitive package prices. Please click here to check the package details:
  • If you’re a salon or hairstylist that offers hairstyling services, feel free to enquire about a partnership with us to receive a wide range of exclusive benefits. For salon custom bulk order, we offer wholesale prices and own-brand design service for free.
  • If you’re thinking of starting hair extension services to your clients, we offer training course opportunities and a business start-up package for you to start this business successfully.



We are more than happy to feature your photos, videos, and blogs on our social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and Pinterest, with our combined network of 1+ Million followers.


We are proud to design our products ourselves; our specialist designers are always designing our new releases! We love to keep up with the newest hair trends, which is why we are swift at introducing new arrivals monthly.


We deliver our hair products to customers worldwide! Whether you are in Canada or New Zealand, we can ship it to you.


We are your one-stop shop for alternative hair! Be it a wig, hair topper, hair extensions, or a men’s hair replacement system, we have it! We supply all the advice and product knowledge you may need and we’ll deliver it straight to you.

If you have further questions about GOODYARDHAIR SALON COLLABORATION, please feel free to contact us. We are always online for your inquiry!

WhatsApp: +8618661605303
Ins: goodyard_offical_river


Why You Should Choose Pure Virgin Hair Extensions

With more customers turning to hair extensions as their go-to styling choice, there’s a growing need for salons and hairstylists to offer premium-quality hair extensions. More of them than ever are choosing to invest in virgin hair extensions for their clients. We’re giving you an overview as to why virgin hair extensions are the most popular choice for both stylists and customers.

What is Pure Virgin Human Hair?

Our pure virgin human hair is donated from the braids of young girls. The hair is not colored or processed, making it the healthiest hair on the market. Pure virgin human hair is the ideal type for light blonde extensions (such as blonde #60 + #613) and some balayage shades. This hair type preserves its natural appearance and allows for more consistent colors.

Features of Pure Virgin Human Hair:

This hair type can be re-dyed four or five times, depending on the color. It can also be permed up to three times. One of the main selling points of pure virgin hair is that it has a longer lifespan of at least one year. Virgin human hair creates a more natural look, as the extensions blend in with the client’s hair. This hair type is softer than regular remy human hair extensions, creating a more luxurious experience for your clients and customers.

hair extensions

Why You Should Choose Goodyard’s Pure Virgin Hair Extensions:

Goodyard Hair has been a supplier of professional hair extensions for over 30 years. We kept a fresh inventory, with our extensions being dispatched within one week. We also have other hair extension types available, including taped, hair-weft, hand-tied, and keratin hair extensions. We offer wholesale hair extensions, with various colors available. Our pure virgin hair extensions are ideal for e-commerce websites and salons.

Various Color Options:

Along with our standard extension colors, we also offer custom orders that allow you to personalize the shade and length of your extensions. We offer two color systems for you to utilize. Our basic color involves the extensions being bleached without chemical processors. This system means the extensions can be redyed to suit the needs of your clients. The basic hair colors include natural black (#6, #12, #27, #60). We also offer other style options, such as balayage, highlights, and platinum blonde.

Our custom hair colors are made using an industrial chemical coloring process. This system allows us to create an exact color match for more unique shades. You can select the color from our swatches or send a sample for us to recreate.

Free Private Package Design

Your packaging will make or break the success of your hair extension sales. It’s a representation of your brand and a major part of your marketing strategy. Our professional design team are on hand to help you create a packaging design that matches your brand’s aesthetic and compliments your chosen extensions. We offer this service for free, and you can provide us with your brand’s logo, social media profiles, and other information to create a mock-up.

Are you interested in adding pure virgin human hair extensions to your e-commerce store or salon? You can find out more by visiting our website(

Diferencias entre cuatro modelos similares

Para las Personas que están investigando el sistema capilar de los hombres, una vez que hayan tomado la decisión de probar uno, lo primero que tiene que hacer es elegir un modelo que se adapte a si mismo.

El sistema capilar para hombres se compone de dos partes: la base y el cabello. Simplemente hablando, el cabello se anuda en la base para hacer un sistema de cabello estable.

La mayoría de los sistemas de cabello están hechos de cabello humano indio y esto hace que su elección sea mucho más fácil.

Aquí están las diferencias entre cuatro sistemas capilares con bases similares.

Estos cuatro estilos son NG, Mirage, Thin skin y Skin.

skin pu toupee

Espesor de base

¿Qué diferencias puedes notar al mirar estos cuatro modelos? Todas estas cuatro bases están fabricadas con la misma material de piel (poliuretano) pero en diferentes espesores. NG tiene la piel más fina, mientras que Skin tiene la piel más gruesa entre ellos. Aquí están sus grosores:

NG: 0,02-0,03 mm

Mirage: 0,04 – 0,05 mm

Thin Skin: 0.08 – 0,10 mm

Skin: 0,12-0,14 mm

Cuanto más delgada sea la base, menos la sentirás en tu cabeza.

NG tiene una base de 0.02-0.03 mm. ¿Te imaginas cómo un artesano hace una base tan delgada? Requiere una técnica delicada para lograr, un manejo cuidadoso y la mayor cantidad de tiempo para terminar. NG tiene un 10% de probabilidad de fallar. Una vez que falla, todo el proceso debe reiniciarse. Con una base tan delgada, debe manipularla con mucho cuidado, especialmente al aplicarla y quitarla.

NG es la elección de la mayoría de los empresarios. Con la línea del cabello indetectable y el ajuste ceñido, ya no necesita preocuparse por su cabello.

Mirage es un poco más grueso que NG y es una buena alternativa a NG.

Thin Skin y Skin tienen una base comparativamente más gruesa, aunque seguramente durarán más y son más rentables considerando el uso más prolongado que obtendrás de ellos.



Esta imagen muestra los diferentes densidades de cabello.

Aquí están las densidades de estas cuatro bases:

NG: 90% de densidad claro a medio claro

Mirage: 95% de densidad media claro

Thin Skin: 115% de densidad media claro a media

Skin: 130% de densidad media

El concepto es simple. Cuanto más gruesa es la base, más cabello puede contener.

Vida útil

Cuanto más gruesa sea la base, más durará.

NG: 1-2 meses

Mirage: 2-3 meses

Thin Skin: 3-6 meses

Skin: 3-6 meses

Apariencia realista

En comparación con las unidades de cabello de encaje, estos 4 estilos de base piel tienen un aspecto más realista porque no hay nudos. Compruebe cómo se ven estos 4 estilos en persona a través de las imágenes de abajo. De izquierda a derecha, llevan los sistemas capilares NG, Mirage, Thin Skin y Skin.

Ahora, debería tener una idea general sobre las diferencias entre estos cuatro estilos de base piel. La principal diferencia es el grosor de la base. Las bases más gruesas pueden contener cabello de mayor densidad y tener una vida útil más larga y son más económicas. La base más delgada sostien cabellos de menor densidad, generalmente tiene una vida útil más corta, pero una mejor experiencia de uso y más cómoda y realista. Si está buscando una línea frontal realista, NG y Mirage es la mejor opción. Muchos caballeros usan Google para buscar soluciones a sus problemas de pérdida de cabello, y el sistema capilar de Goodyard Hair les brinda soluciones económicas y no quirúrgicas.

Si aún tiene problemas para elegir un modelo adecuado para usted, no dude en contactarnos, nuestros expertos están listos para ayudarle.

How Stocking Women’s Hair Toppers Can Expand Your Business?

Hair toppers are an innovative product that allows you to give the illusion of healthy and thicker hair. Clients are using them in combination with classic hair extensions to achieve their dream looks. Hair toppers are an ideal product to offer clients who are experiencing thinning or hair loss. Want to find out how hair toppers can help you expand your business? Keep reading!


At Goodyard Hair, we offer high-quality hair toppers that you can sell in your salon or online shop. With our service, you’ll be buying your hair toppers directly from the manufactures so that you get the best price and a premium customer service experience.

Goodyard Hair can provide you with a variety of hair topper options to choose from. We’re giving you a snapshot of some of the options available to your business.


Our hair toppers are available in various sizes, from 12” to 20”.

Base Design:

We offer monofilament and silk toppers – two of the most popular styles for female clients suffering from hair loss. Monofilament is soft enough for sensitive scalps and can be styled with a free parting. The silk topper offers a more realistic look, which has a higher price point and is one of the best-selling styles.

At Goodyard Hair, we have various base sizes available for women to accommodate different stages of hair loss. Our most popular sizes are 3.75”x6”, 6”x6.5”, and 8”x8”.

Hair Colors:

Our highly skilled coloring technicians can provide a spectrum of colors, from on-trend vibrant shades to neutral hues. We offer solid colors in natural shades like black, brown, and blonde. You can red-dye our classic hair toppers to a lighter shade to complement your client’s natural color. We also offer beautiful balayage colors of your choice. You can view more of our color styles here.图层 1_1

Wholesale Price:

As Goodyard Hair are the manufacturers, we can keep production costs low and pass these savings on to our customers. Our prices vary between $90 – $500 with various hair lengths, base sizes, and colors to choose from. We make each hair topper to a high-quality, superior to what you might find in your local market.

Pure Virgin Human Hair:

We use only the finest pure virgin human hair to give our hair toppers the longest lifespan and premium quality. This type of hair allows the hair toppers to be colored and styled for a natural look. With proper care and maintenance, this hair type can give you a lifespan of one year with each hair topper.

Immediate Shipment:

Once payment is arranged, our hair toppers can be shipped immediately. It takes an estimated 5-7 days for your order to be delivered. Our shipping partners include DHL, FedEx, and UPS.

At Goodyard Hair, we offer custom and bulk orders. Our VIP customer program allows long-term customers to build an order history that enables us to prioritize their orders for expedited production and delivery. You can test the quality of our products with a hair topper sample before placing your order.

Are you interested in finding out more about our pure virgin human hair toppers? You can get in touch with us at or visit our website.

Reviews of Goodyard Hair

Goodyard Hair is one of the leading manufacturers located in Qingdao, China, specializing in human hair extensions manufacturing high quality full cuticle hair products with professional techniques and exquisite workmanship. We have served over 8500 customers including Wholesales, Salons, Stores and Stylists. Our hair extensions have been dispatched to over 80 countries, with 75% of our business being conducted in American, European and Australian markets.


Recently we received some reviews from our VIP clients, which are very helpful for some new clients to know more about Goodyard Hair. The following reviews are from different types of hair business, let’s see what they say!

Haley Peterson–Hair Stylist

I am very happy that Goodyard Hair can offer me lots of support on my small business, even a custom order for my clients, and guarantee me a quick delivery. They also can make excellent hair colors for me to do beautiful hair extensions on my clients:) Some colors I ordered can also be re-dyed into other different colors. Lover it!

Patrick Rogers–Branded Wholesaler

I have been cooperated with Goodyard Hair over 10 years. They always provide me good quality hair and excellent service. Their expert production capacity strongly guarantees the delivery of my order which is very important for my business. They also offer service to design my brand package for free. By the way, I am very appreciated their support in freight and customs clearance on my each bulk orders:)

Kristy Myles–Online Shop Distributor

We purchased men hair systems and women toppers from Goodayrd Hair for many years. They have various styles in stock for choice, I don’t need to worry about the shortage affecting my retail business. And now, they have created new colors and styles, so I can fulfill my business line, I am so happy I feel very easy to do business with them.

Karen Camacho–Hair Salon Owner

I am happy to work with Goodyard Hair. Honestly, I don’t need to seek for any other suppliers because I can get all here. They can provide stable quality, the color of each order can be consistent, and the color difference is well controlled. Their service is also amazing that they can reply my demand and feedback professionally and quickly. They always share their experiences and new products to me to help me expand my business.

As one of the largest and earliest hair factories, Goodyard endeavors to provide our customers with the superior quality products by continuing to utilize the highest-quality hair and the most advanced technology available. From carefully hand chosen human hair in various textures and lengths, to synthetic hair products, you are sure to find the hair that’s right for you at Goodyard. As the ultimate source for top quality hair products, we pledge to continue to position our products in the forefront of the fashion and beauty industry.

If you have further questions about hair extensions or any other questions about Goodyard Hair company, please feel free to contact us. We are always online for your inquiry!

WhatsApp: +8618661605303
Ins: goodyard_offical_river

Hot Sale Silk Toppers-Ready To Ship!

People love silk topper, because it’s the most realistic looking topper on the market today. It’s handcraft made from 3 layers of lace, as hair knots in the middle layer, and hair through the top layer so perfectly hide the hair knots, and the bottom layer will offer you a comfortable feeling when wearing.

It’s free parting, left, right or middle part, to any direction you want, and you don’t need to hide or camouflage the knots when you part your topper. Silk Hair Topper can give you the appearance of having a scalp that looks like your own!


Goodyard silk topper designed to help the female hair loss, made by pure virgin 100% human remy hair, health hair materials and skilled hand craft knotting, with long lifespan, can be re-dyed or permed again, fast shipment for 5-7 days to deliver your door.

  • Pure Virgin Remy Hair
  • Best Natural Looking
  • Perfect Fitting on Head
  • Length 16-20,
  • Base size 6×6.5, 8×8
  • Available colors

#NB-It’s natural growth black that can be bleached and dyed. It’s lighter than Off Black but darker than darkest brown.

#Caramel-Light Brown highlighted with Platinum Blonde.

#T4-8/60-Lightest brown highlighted with Blonde color, with brown roots.

#6/8/613-Chestnut Brown blended with a little Lightest Brown and Blonde color.

#613-Blonde color

If there is no suitable colors above, you can try to dye the color again, because it’s made from 100% human hair materials, can be re-dyed or permed.

  • NATURAL BLACK COLOR TO LIGHTER(By bleaching natural black colors)

Goodyard Hair Toppers give you the best hair loss solution, easy, instantly and painless! Exquisite workmanship to create the most natural-looking appearance. Thanks to our skilled coloring technicians, we guarantee the most fashionable colors to be natural. Only the finest virgin remy hair can be selected to offer long lifespan.

To learn more about our human hair topper, or any other questions about hair products, please contact us today! We’d love to help boost your business in the new year 2021.

Whats App: +86-18765240680


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