Eggs for the hair for a natural effect and shine
Eggs for the hair are recommended in the form of various masks. In combination with other products, the eggs are capable of creating miracles. The eggs are an extremely useful product. Besides that they are very good for our health and an integral part of our daily menu, they are also often used in the cosmetics – both for our hair and also for the skin.
Many women have long ago discovered the wonderful properties of the egg as an ingredient of various hair masks. Mixed with other ingredients the egg helps in different hair problems.
They enter into the composition of masks for face, hair and different diets for weight loss. The eggs help the body by delivering it everything it needs. As the yolk and the white of an egg are good for the hair. They give shine and freshness to the hair, making it again beautiful and silky soft.
Mask for dry hair
Necessary products: 2 tablespoons of olive oil, one egg yolk (two if you have long hair) and vinegar (2 drops for extra shine). If the vinegar smells too much, add a little vodka. Mix all the ingredients, the easiest way would be with a mixer.
The mask should be applied to clean and pre-washed hair (it has to be slightly damp). Wrap your head with a towel and leave it to act in the next 20 minutes. The mask is rinsed and you are ready to go out. If you think that your hair looks a bit greasy (from the amount of olive oil), wash it with a little shampoo.
Mask for deep nourishing
Necessary products: one egg, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 teaspoons of honey. You need to mix all the products and to prepare the stove. The mixture is heated. Remember that it is warmed slightly. Apply the mask carefully and wait for it to cool down if you have heated it too much. Wrap your head with a towel and stay with it within the next 20 min.
The ladies should be aware that they should not make any of those described by us masks if they are allergic to a particular product. The olive oil can be replaced with castor oil, if you happen to have available. Masks with eggs for hair are made 2 times a week to the achievement of excellent results.