If you want tips on maintaining tape in hair extensions you are in the right place. Do you want to have long, gorgeous hair like the women you see re-pinned on Pinterest daily? Are you thinking about getting tape-in hair extensions? Here are some things you should know.


Whether getting extensions to enhance volume or just to have long luscious hair, maintaining your hair is critical to getting full use out of those beautiful new locks.

Rumors will tell you that it is difficult to take care of your hair but if you follow these simple tips on maintaining hair extensions (many of which you are probably doing anyway) you’ll be able to maintain those extensions longer than you expected, and proudly overuse the hash tag #longhairdontcare under your selfies on Instagram until your heart is content!


  1. After you have your extensions installed do not wash your hair forAT LEAST48 hours. Your tape will need time to cure and washing will lessen the hold time. Not showering for 48 hours? Think of all the free time you will have! You can go out and cross an item off your bucket list, or you could nap. Think of how many naps you could take in 48 hours?
  2. DoNOTbrush your hair when wet. This is something that cannot be stressed enough. You also CANNOT wrap your head in a towel or flip your hair upside down and try to dry it with a towel. You need to slowly start at the ends and work your way up. Avoid squeezing and pulling your hair, slowly pat dry and reduce tangles.

It’s tempting to throw your hair up in a towel and be a genie for 10 minutes or flip your hair back and fourth but you really need to take your time after you shower to help your extensions last longer.

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  1. Do notEVERapply conditioner directly onto your bonds. This will make the tape lose and your extensions will fall out. This goes for any oils as well!
  2. Make sure your shampoo issilicone free! This is a HUGE must! Silicone will destroy your bond

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5. I know most women use some sort of heating tool on their hair every day. You can still continue to do so, just make sure you are not putting the heat directly on your bonds! The heat will loosen the bond.

6.It is very important to brush your extensionstwice a day. This will help from your hair getting tangled or matted. Not bad advice even without extensions really. Also be sure to put your hair in a loose pony-tail or braid before you go to bed every night.

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Just because I think you deserve a bonus tip for getting this far! You need to remember that your hair extensions are holding onto your natural hair in some way. Tape, glue or silicone. YouMUSTremember to give our hair a rest every now and then by taking a break from extensions and being sure you do not shower every day. This will help your natural hair rejuvenate by taking back in its oil from your scalp. You will damage your natural hair tremendously if you do not give it a break every now and then.

This may seem like it is a lot of work but if you take it one step at a time it will become just a regular routine for you. Think of all the fun hairstyles you will be able to do with extensions in your hair!

To view more, pls kindly visit http://www.goodyardhair.com