Lace Front wigs are very popular and are part of an ever-growing trend! Many retailers now sell “one-size fits all” lace wigs that are available in human and synthetic hair. Due its affordability, the synthetic lace wig seems to be the unit of choice when changing styles.
Goodyard has received plenty of enquries about how to wear lace front wig more naturally. Today I’m gonna show you some tricks about how to make your lace front wig look realistic.
1.Cut your lace but leave a little slack you don’t want to cut to close to the hair line.
2.Apply a wig cap. My hair is always in braids that’s how I get my wigs to lay flat and look more natural. But a ponytail will do just fine.
3.Put your wig on and Secure it with the combs that come the wig with combs.
4.Apply concealer or foundation to your part to make it look more realistic.