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Tag: bangs

How to Choose Hair Pieces for Women

Few women have the hair that they want. Those with curly hair long for straight looks while those with straight hair do everything in their power to achieve those desirable curls. Women with short hair think they want long while their sisters with long looks ponder something much shorter. There are options available to help us change our look on a nearly daily basis. Now, a great variety of hair pieces for women are available in a multitude of colors.


Ponytail hairpieces, clip-in hairpieces, hair bun, all these hair pieces for women are designed to blend with existing hair. Hairpieces come in many colors and styles, and let’s learn how to choose the hairpieces suitable for you.


  1. Decide the looks that you would like to achieve with your hairpieces. Do you want to make your hair appear longer? Do you want thicker looking hair? Do you crave curls, lovely loose waves, bone straight hair or something else? Whatever your desires might be, it is important to identify them specifically before moving on to the next step.


  1. Determine if you want to maintain that color or return to your natural shade. If you purchase one or more hairpieces to match your dyed hair, you will need to be able to maintain that color in order to continue using your hairpiece. In many instances, it might be more beneficial to return to your normal hair color and purchase hairpieces that match your natural shade. Of course, if you purchase human hair pieces, you will have more options with regard to color and style than if you choose synthetic pieces that can’t be dyed.
  1. Consider investing in high quality virgin human hair pieces. Hairpiece designers and distributors purchase virgin human hair pieces that have never been chemically processed, and this is preferred for every day or daytime use. Ponytail hairpieces made from virgin human hair last 2-3 times longer than that made from normal human hair, and the price is worth it.1
  2. Inject some fun into life with inexpensive accent hairpieces. These easy to apply synthetic hairpieces such as synthetic ponytail hairpieces can give the temporary and dramatic appearance for a dance, wedding or a party.


  1. Select an attachment method that suits you. Temporary methods use liquid adhesive, tape or clips to secure the hairpiece. A special glue frequently used by balding individuals keeps the hairpiece in place during swimming and showering.
  1. Find a stylist who is familiar with hair pieces for women if you want a suitable hairpiece. These hairpieces may not be ready to wear, and need to be trimmed and styled before use.

The History of Fringe

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Jane Fonda, 1970

Do you think this is the coolest image of models? Striking fringe, intelligent eyes, they all did for the role of the firm “Barbarella”.

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Farrah Fawcett, 1976

Stylist Allen Edwards has designed this fluffy fringe for Farrah Fawcett. It attracts thousands of coedna to follow this trend.

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Loni Anderson, 1980

She wasn’t borned with blonde hair. But her flaxen fringe made her extraordinary in the movie “WKEP in Cincinnati”, and remained popular for the next 10 years.

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Sarah Jessica Parker, 1985

Although it needs a few hundred grammes of mousse and super powered hair dryer to make the most trendy fringe in the 80’s, there are always some girls want to be more natural. Just like the tenuous fringe of SJP.

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Christina Applegate, 1987

Just like the silly Kelly Bundy in the movie “Married…With Children”, Applegate blew her fringe towering to the sky. She felt “you see, this skyward fringe is too silly.” Well, maybe……But everyone pursued such modelling at that time.


Do you also want a unique and popular fringe? Are you worried about cutting a wrong one? Then you can look from Goodyard’s website for kinds of bangs with wholesale price.



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