
Decide on the desired look while bearing in mind what will best suit your features; if in doubt, ask for an opinion.


Step 2.

Carefully consider your hair texture. For example, avoid wearing curly hair with a straight extension. It is not attractive and does not speak well of the individual as regards attention to detail.


Step 3.

Pay close attention to hair colour. There are different shades of black and some have a faded appearance. So unless you are trying to be dramatic, ensure that the extension matches your hair colour as closely as possible. That includes any colour you decide to wear.


Step 4 .

Length is also important.
 This is where your comfort-ability comes in. If you are accustomed to short hair and are not sure about wearing long extensions, go with what you are comfortable with; if you want to be adventurous, that is fully encouraged but remember to get something that will suit you and not someone else. After all, what looks good on one will not look good on all. Focus on accentuating your physical features.


Step 5.

Take into account, that the hair extension you choose will be worn for a length of time and should be chosen with occasion suitability in mind.


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